- “Papyrus Scrolls to Kindle and Beyond,” Peter Kelley, November 26, 2018.
- UW 360, May 2017.[-video-]
- “With spoken word and hip-hop, a new generation of poets has taken the stage,” Columns Magazine, Quinn Russell Brown, March, 2017.
- “Hybrid Practice: Poems in Space, Double Ekphrasis, and Art Outside the Silos,” a roundtable with Genevieve Kaplan, Addoley Dzegede, Cole Lu, and Stephanie Ellis Schlaifer. Sundress Publications Blog, March 2017.
- Westwind Journal, January 2017.
- Bellingham Review, Dayna Patterson, November, 2016.
- Counterpath Press, Tim Roberts, September 2016.
- Seattle City Arts, Bill Carty, March 9, 2015.
- Bomb Magazine, Andy Fitch, November 7, 2014.
- Radio Free Albion with Tony Trigilio and Andy Fitch, Episode #27, June 2015.
- Cross Cultural Poetics with Leonard Schwartz and Andy Fitch, Episode #318, January 2015.
- languageye, Gary Barwin’s visual poetry commentary for Jacket2. November 1, 2013.
- The European Poetry Forum, curated by Zuzana Husarova and Martin Solotruk, 2013
- The Conversant, Andy Fitch
- ¾: Occupy Reality! #26, with Zuzana Husarova (2013)
- Gesture, Jade Lascelles and Kate Durbin, February, 2013.
- Cross Cultural Poetics #266, Leonard Schwartz (audio)
- Take Down the Clouds, The Volta, Joshua Marie Wilkinson, February 1, 2013.
- The Dictionary Project, Lisa O’Neill, August 22, 2012.
- From artists’ books to hacking digital screens, Tri-Co Digital Humanities Blog, Jen Rajchel, July 2, 2012.
- First Book Interview: Amaranth Borsuk, iO Magazine, Wendy Xu, May 15, 2012.
- Small Press Poetry Scene, Doug Holder, May 27, 2012.
- Reading Revolutionized, Buzz Pool for Imprint and, April 16, 2012.
- Arizona Poetry Center Interview With Annie Guthrie, May 2, 2012.
- CAPTA: Conversations with Poets About Technology (Video), Jhave, June 2012.
- Daily BR!NK, Danielle Oliver, 2012.
- Taiga Journal, Brooklyn Copeland, March 2011.
- Molossus, David Shook, January 2011.
- USC College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences (Video), Mira Zimet, Spring 2010.